state and municipal government debt market similar to the recently announced program for the commercial paper market. The Federal Reserve should
determine whether it has sufficient legal authority to establish such a facility on its own -- if not, it should work with Treasury and the Congress to
achieve this goal. This new facility should be designed to protect taxpayer resources while ensuring that state and local governments can continue to
provide vital services to their residents. In a separate vote, the FEC rejected a bid by the wireless industry to allow Americans to make campaign contributions to politicians by sending text
The campaigns asked the FEC for permission to make the cash transfer after the FEC ordered Mr. Biden's campaign to pay $219,005 to the U.S.
Treasury. An FEC audit previously found the Biden campaign took excessive contributions and a failed to repay the owner of a corporate jet for a flight
between New Hampshire and Iowa.Mr. Biden ended his presidential bid after a fifth-place showing in the Iowa caucuses. According to a recent FEC filing, his campaign had only $82,000 cash on hand. If the Obama campaign wasn't allowed to transfer the cash, Mr. Biden's campaign would have had to resume fundraising to pay off its debts.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that our systemic financial market crisis requires a systemic response. They fought to ensure that the recently-passed financial rescue package gave the Treasury the tools to stabilize the financial system, while protecting taxpayers and ensuring CEOs
would not get rich in the process. However, this stabilization will only occur if the Treasury, Federal Reserve, FDIC, and other government entities use
their authority and move quickly and aggressively to address the financial crisis.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden wear on monday propose that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury work together to design a facility to provide a funding backstop to the
messages on their cell phones.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) who interested in said the Obama campaign can transfer $138,000 to the Biden for President campaign to cover debts.